Nakuru police launch investigations in double murder

Police in Nakuru have launched investigations into a bizarre murder in Barut location, Nakuru West after residents stumbled upon two bodies, one of them headless that were dumped 400 metres apart.

According to Nakuru County Police Commander Peter Mwanzo the first victim, a woman, had been beheaded while the second one, a man, had been strangled.

The woman, whose body was naked and is yet to be identified, had been dumped at the Baruti sand quarries.

While indicating that investigations into the two murders have been launched, Mwanzo warned criminal elements that they would be dealt with ruthlessly adding that police patrols had been intensified.

“Anyone found carrying a weapon will be treated as a terrorist. We will not allow criminals to commit atrocities that lead to loss of lives or destruction of property. The public should do their civic duty of volunteering information on activities by criminals and their hideouts,” added the police boss.

He identified the male victim as 48-year-old Geoffrey Bett, a resident of Baruti area. His body was found in a farm, 400 metres from that of the other victim.

Mwanzo stated that the female victim’s severed head had not been recovered.

David Lelei, the father of Bett, one of the victims, said the deceased had gone missing earlier this week only to be found dead on Wednesday morning by school-going children.

It was not established whether the two victims were killed by the same attacker(s). Bodies of the victims were removed to Nakuru Municipal Mortuary.



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