Olkalou Facelift to be Replicated Countywide

Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia has commissioned the newly upgraded roads in OlKalou Municipality, paving way to a new outlook of the county headquarters.

Governor Kimemia, while noting his commitment to carrying out more infrastructural development in all the towns in the county, said simultaneous upgrade was going on in Engineer and Mairo Inya towns.

Apart from the road upgrade to bitumen standards, Ol Kalou town has also undergone a massive facelift with installation of new solar street lights and the paving of walkways.

The joint project, between the county and the World Bank under the Kenya Urban Support Programme in support of infrastructure development, has also seen construction of a major fresh produce market in the town.

“Projects already completed in Olkalou costing over Sh 128 million include roads at Sh 62 million, pathways and parking lots and over Sh 66 million for paving blocks plant, modern cemetery, solid waste management and beautification,” said Kimemia.

He said that his government recognises that sustainable urban development and management were crucial to the quality of lives of the residents.

He added, “The once muddy and impassable shop fronts have been redone with cabros to give it a splendid look. The replanning of our town and improvement of social amenities has attracted new investments as seen in the changing skyline of Ol-Kalou.”

Other improvements in Olkalou municipality include construction of Storm Water Drainage.



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