Plan Kenyan, NITA & Salvador Caetano to Train Youths in the Automotive Sector

Plan International Kenya (PIK) in conjunction with The National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) and Salvador Caetano Kenya Limited today hosted a stakeholder breakfast meeting to discuss how the automotive industry can assist in alleviating youth unemployment in Kenya.

Speaking at the event, Plan International’s Director of Strategy, Program Development and Innovation, George Kamau stated that in the next fifteen years the job market is going to change drastically adding: “The goal of this project is to promote increased access to the demand driven skills and decent jobs for our young men and women here in Kenya.”

Kamau said they are also working on another project which includes the hospitality industry in order to create more jobs for the youth.

“We want to acquire practical skills and also be able to have the right capacity to operate in this sector and we are seeking partnership with other industries so that this unemployment crisis can be fully addressed,” added Kamau.



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