Police to take bold action to curb the risk of violence during elections

Residents of West Pokot Sub County have been assured of steady security before, during and after the August 9, 2022 general election.

Area Deputy Sub County Police Commander Benson Pamba said during an election stakeholder’s forum held at Mtelo Hall in Kapenguria yesterday that police officers are prepared to ensure peace prevails during the electioneering period to avoid any cases like those witnessed in the year 2007.

Pamba asked the participants among them Parliamentary and Members of County Assembly aspirants to uphold the election code of conduct, their role and that of their agents during the voting day as clearly stipulated by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

“As police we are going to be professional and will ensure all residents get the best of security services before, during and after the election period,” assured the Deputy Sub County Police Commander.

Pamba noted they have deliberated with the IEBC officials, security teams and candidates in the sub county on a number of issues and have unanimously agreed that peace in the region will be paramount.

“I am delighted that the candidates have vowed to avoid any form of violence and will remain peaceful during the election process,” he added.

He urged police officers in the region to discharge their mandate impartially by enforcing the law and order irrespective of their political party affiliations or the aspirants.

He said there are gazetted officers who will help in enforcing law and order through providing effective electoral security in polling stations across the region.

He cautioned candidates against pasting their campaign posters or photographs on people’s personal property without consent from the owners.

He further warned the candidates against defacing, destroying posters or bill boards of other contestants saying there have been such cases reported and investigations are underway.

“Police are ready to deal firmly with law breakers including the candidates and their supporters irrespective of the positions they hold in society,” he assured.

Kapenguria Constituency Returning Officer Enock Otara said IEBC has had an opportunity to train candidates and agents on their roles and responsibilities during and after the elections hence they expect strict adherence to the elections code of conduct.

West Pokot sub county Assistant County Commissioner Benjamin Makau said no candidate should be allowed to campaign past the hours stipulated by IEBC and urged the IEBC to crack the whip on defiant aspirants.



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