Primary school pupils receive bibles

In a bid to nurture character and enhance spirituality and proper upbringing of children, over ten primary schools in Kiharu, Murang’a County have received bibles from The Can Do Kids International, a non-governmental organisation in phase one of the initiative.

Speaking at Mukangu primary school, Karanja Mburu Wamatangi coordinator of The Can Do Kids International observed that the move to give bibles to pupils was triggered by the realisation that there are hardly any bibles in schools yet the pupils are expected to do well in their religious studies.

“Social media has taken a lot of our time and you find that even when children get home from school, the first thing they do is pick up the parent’s mobile phone and immediately get glued to social media handles for hours” he decried

“Markedly, apart from homework and what was taught in school, there is no time to read the word of God” added Wamatangi

The philanthropist cum politician reminisced that in the past years, one would find many bibles in schools but nowadays there are none yet the children are expected to be spiritually nurtured.

“There are many evils in the society today, but I will make sure all the primary school get bibles so that the kids can always have a reference point for their spiritual nourishment,” he said

He stressed that availing the bibles to pupils will enable them to experience God’s love since that is what the bible communicates.

On his part, James Kiarie Mwaura the head teacher, Mukangu primary school while noting that the move to give bibles to pupils was long overdue, praised the gesture adding that it will help the pupils improve in their religious studies as well as boost their confidence as they transit through life’s seasons.

“Through these bibles, the pupils will be able to internalize the word of God as it is laden with lessons in both the New and Old Testament “he observed.

The bibles are meant to assist the pupils to strive to do as the bible commands and will consequently improve their lives and grow holistically as the word of God will guide them in the right direction in life.” reiterated Mwaura.



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