Private schools express support for CBC

Proprietors of private schools (KPSA) want the government to involve them in education policy formulation.

Managers of private schools say they play a pivotal role in education matters in the country but have often been sidelined, when major decisions are made by the government.

Speaking during review of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), the Kakamega KPSA chair Lance Wavesha said as key partners, private schools play a vital role in setting high education standards through quality investment. Kakamega County has 375 private schools.

“We are therefore feeling that there’s a necessity to be incorporated in the policy formulation so that our children are treated as equal,’’ he said.

They said they fully support the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

“CBC cannot have come at a better time like now, since it is key in addressing attitude, skills and knowledge,” added Wavesha.

“Our work is to promote Private -Public Partnership (PPP) in the education sector, therefore we are requesting that CBC policy be formulated considering the fact that as private schools, we are playing a dominant role in the education sector,” he added.



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