Residents protest postponement of by-election

The residents of the Rongai Constituency have faulted the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for the indefinite postponement of an election to choose their Member of National Assembly. Yet, the failure to vote on the August 9 wasn’t their fault.

The chairman of elders in the constituency, Gilbert Kaplich said their wish was to finalize with elections as soon as possible in order to concentrate on the development of the area.

He was speaking today during a press conference at Kampi ya Moto Shopping Centre.

He claimed that the infectious nature of politics and campaigns had kept their youths too occupied instead of assisting in other chores in their homes, adding that, the candidates were still holding campaigns albeit underground.

Kaplich appealed for unity at the IEBC to enable a faster decision on when the elections will be held. He also he said if parliament resumes without their MP being in parliament, their representation rights will be breached.

The constituency has three contestants for the parliamentary seat, Raymond Moi the immediate former MP, who has represented them twice, Paul Chebor, alias Mamba, and Luke Kigen.

However, the contest has been reduced to Raymond Moi and Paul Chebor, alias Mamba, who seems to excite the residents due to his rise from grass to grace.

The elected MCA Elibas Degaulle Naburuki concurred with the elders’ sentiments that they want to elect their MP as soon as possible to enable them to focus on other issues which affect the area, such as the shortage of water.

Rongai constituency, which is the largest in Nakuru county, has always held epic duels in their selections of MPs and they have the largest turn-over, compared to the other ten constituencies that have a history of re-electing their members of parliament.

It has the iconic history of having elected the first woman member of parliament in the county, a former assistant minister, Alicen Chelaite.



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