Residents Urged to Take Covid -19 Vaccination with Seriousness

Homa Bay residents have been asked to take Covid-19 vaccination seriously, due to the daily increasing number of infections in the country.

According to the latest statistics by an international news agency, Reuters, COVID-19 infections are increasing in Kenya, with 100 reported daily new infections constituting four percent of the peak.

Homa Bay Town Sub-County Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Jude Wasonga urged the residents who have not yet been vaccinated to visit nearby health facilities to receive the jab.

“Let us not assume that Covid -19 is not with us. If you have not received the vaccine, please go for it because the number has started increasing again,” advised Wasonga.

He stated that his office is administering the vaccine at the office gate which is mandatory for anyone who wishes to visit the offices and has not been vaccinated.

“I am inviting even those who fear going to the hospitals to visit my office where we offer the vaccination services. Remember we will not allow you to be served without getting the jab,” he said.

The DCC dismissed myths and misconceptions about the jab saying that he too had gone for the vaccine but is operating normally and is also in good health.

He said that senior citizens are vulnerable to the virus and should make all efforts to get the full dose, noting that there are those who after getting the first dose fail to show up for the second.

“I had received my full dose of the vaccine but still alive without any complication contrary to the myths that have been spreading all over,” said the DCC.

The administrator encouraged the locals to continue using masks, saying that they also provide protection from other communicable diseases.



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