Students beat up suspected thief caught in dormitory

Students at SDA Secondary school in Kitui town Thursday beat up and injured a suspected thief after they found him in one of their dormitories.

Irate students caught up with the suspect as he was leaving their dormitory as the students were going back to the dormitory during lunch break,

The suspect who had sneaked into the student’s dormitory tried to escape by jumping over the school’s perimeter fence, but was cornered and beaten up by the students and frog marched back into the school compound.

Villagers neighboring the school fruitlessly tried to plead with the students to stop raining blows and kicks on the suspect, but the students whisked him away into the school to prevent any attempts by villagers to rescue the suspect.

Their teachers watched helplessly as the irate students prevented their teachers’ efforts to rescue the suspect.

The students threatened to beat the KNA reporter after they discovered that the reporter was taking photographs and filming the bizarre incident.

One of the students told the KNA reporter that they have in recent days been losing their belongings to thieves who sneak into school and break in their dormitories while they are in class.

Efforts to talk to school authorities were fruitlessly as the teachers declined to speak to press.

By the time of going to press, the incident had not been reported to security agents, as the teachers were helplessly attempting to rescue the suspect.



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