Tana River Governor unveils 3 County Executive nominees

Governor Dhadho Godhana has forwarded three CECMs nominees’ names to the County Assembly for vetting.

Immediate former County Secretary Joshua Jara has been nominated to serve in the Environment and Climate Change docket. Jara unsuccessfully vied for the Tana River County Assembly Speaker’s position.

Abdillahi Hanti Kanchora from Bangale Sub-County is the CECM nominee for Public Service Management, Administration, and ICT. Hanti resigned as Director of Special Programmes but was unsuccessful in his quest MP in Bura Constituency.

Jilo Ismail Algi is the CECM nominee for Water, Energy, Mining, and Natural Resources.

The Governor said the appointments were in line with his vision of equitable sharing of resources and employment opportunities to Tana River communities.

The Governor extended the contracts of the remaining CECMs until he appointed substantive officeholders.

Governor Godhana has appointed Isaiah Munje to be the County Attorney. Tsango Mahewa legal advisor, Mariam Runu Political advisor and Bakari Garise Economic advisor.



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