Ten-year-old defiled and left for dead by a ‘Priest’

Police in Rangwe Sub-County have launched a manhunt for a priest who allegedly defiled and left a 10-year-old girl for the dead in a maize plantation at Kamwombo village, in Kamenya sub-location.

The grade two pupil at Nyalieng’a Primary School identified as Vivian Akoth was reportedly defiled on Saturday by the alleged priest who has since fled the area.

The suspect, identified only as Abraham who was unknown to local resident’s prior his arrival, had visited the area disguised as a Legio Maria priest on a mission to offer prayer services to members of the public.

However, Abraham took advantage of the absence of some community members who had gone to attend a burial and dragged the unsuspecting minor into a maize plantation, where he defiled her, while squeezing her throat to prevent her from raising alarm

The incident happened after the deceased girl went to a neighbor’s home, Demitilah Ajwang who was hosting the suspect to collect a jerrycan for fetching water when he pounced on her and committed the atrocity.

According to a police report, the girl’s mother Judith Kwamboka arrived home from the market around 6.30 pm and was informed by her neighbor Ajwang that her daughter was lying in the maize plantation while groaning in pain.

“She rushed to the scene and took her daughter to Nyagoro dispensary where they examined her but were unable to establish the problem.

Vivian’s health deteriorated Monday and she was taken to Homa Bay County Referral Hospital, where it was established that she was raped and strangled.

The minor informed medical personnel she had gone to Demitilah Ajwang’s house to borrow a jerry can, while still there, she was raped by an unknown person who was wearing Legion Maria regalia who took her to a maize plantation and strangled her,” read the report.

Police questioned Ajwang who admitted that she had received a church visitor from Kisumu whom she knows by one name as Abraham, but added that immediately after the act he disappeared.

However, she said she does not know where Abraham lives in Kisumu.

Monica Berege, the officer incharge Directorate of Criminal Investigations, Homa Bay Sub County confirmed that the suspect after committing the crime, strangled the deceased and left assuming that she was already dead, but the minor was still alive.

A school going child, while passing near the plantation, heard the deceased’s groans when she went and alerted her mother who then informed the deceased’s mother.

Berege said investigations are ongoing and that Ajwang is in police custody and was due to appear in court later Tuesday.

The deceased minor’s body was taken to Homa Bay County mortuary pending a postmortem examination.



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