The disabled in Narok want five percent of county employment

Persons living with disability in Narok County have asked the County Government to allocate them five percent job opportunities so that they too can thrive economically.

The group led by their chairperson Paul Sopia regretted that in the past appointments, the group was overlooked in appointments to the county government despite many of them being professionals.

Sopia asked Governor Patrick Ntutu to appoint a person living with disability in the County Executive Committee (CEC) position or the Chief Officer (CO) position so that they can spearhead the interests of the group.

“We know that the county government will soon appoint leaders in the various departments who will spearhead development in the county, we ask our governor to consider us in the nominations,” he said.

Sopia also asked governor Ntutu to give the group 30 per cent of tenders as per the law so that they too can have an opportunity of serving the county government.

Grace Silantoi, a person living with disability reiterated that the disabled were denied a chance in the County Assembly nominations despite having applied and having been promised by their parties to be nominated.

She expressed confidence in the current county administration asking governor Ntutu to remember them when appointing his CECs.

“Though we missed out in the County Assembly nominations, we ask our governor to remember us when appointing and employing people in various sectors. Most of us are qualified but have never been given a chance to work in the county government,” said Ms Silantoi.

Samuel Ole Lemurti asked the county government to sponsor the talented physically challenged persons to explore their talents.

“I am talented in sports. If only the county government can sponsor us through training and giving us exposure to compete with others from other counties, we will grow our talent and gain money from it,” he said.

Tens of persons living with disability spoke to journalists today at a Narok hotel after holding a closed-door meeting that was sponsored by Dupoto Community Based Organisation (CBO).



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