The Making of Kenya’s First Principal Secretary for Diaspora Affairs

Meet Roseline Njogu, Kenya’s First Principal Secretary for Diaspora Affairs. With a Master’s degree from Harvard Law School and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Nairobi, Njogu is a nerd who had a bustling social life, with basketball playing and choir singing. She credits her success to having a great support system and had a lot of tough love from some of her teachers. Despite being the youngest in her class, Njogu found studying at Harvard Law School extremely intimidating but learned that even the fanciest, the richest, the smartest, and certified geniuses are just people. Njogu’s appointment as PS for Diaspora Affairs is a hard work of building a startup now, but also seeing what it looks like 100 years from today, and building strong enough foundations that will allow growth and pivot. As she spoke during an exclusive interview on KTN News’ Globe Traktion, she pointed out the challenges that come with embracing people who are traditionally not within the country’s borders. Born in Kitale, Njogu grew up as the youngest of five children in a civil servant family. Despite the tough life, she describes her childhood as fun. She had all A’s in high school and attributes her success to having a great support system. Njogu rode the brilliant train through to Alliance Girls High School and beyond. She had just one chance and an $80 donation from her brother to make it to Harvard Law School.

Savanna Wambui

Savanna Wambui

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