Three CECM nominees vetted

Tana River County Committee on Appointments on Monday vetted three County Executive Committee Members (CECM) nominated by Governor Dhadho Godhana.

Abdullah Kanchoru was nominated to the docket of Public Service Management, Administration, Devolution, Information Communication Technology, Protocol, and Public Communication.

Joshua Kofa Jara was nominated to the Environment and Climate Change docket while Jillo Algi was proposed to serve in Water, Energy, Mining, Wildlife, and Natural Resources docket.

Kanchoru, a graduate of Development Studies was the first to appear before the vetting committee chaired by the County Assembly Speaker Osman Galole. Kanchoru said his financial worth is Sh15 million.

Abdullah Kanchoru recounted how he almost lost his life while working with a humanitarian organization when they were ambushed by bandits.

“A gun was placed on my head; they were forcing me to give money. I told them I didn’t have any and asked them to kill me if they thought I didn’t have value,” he recalled.

The nominee said if approved by the Assembly, he will render service to Tana residents without favoritism.

He pledged to the committee to seal loopholes in revenue collection through the automation of revenue collection systems.

Immediate former County Secretary and Chair of the Public Service Board Joshua Jara who estimated his net worth to be Sh50 million, was put to task by Ismail Kodobo, Hirimani ward MCA to explain the failure of the County Public Service Board to reinstate employees who were sacked and had moved to court and obtained an order for their reinstatement.

The 64-year-old nominee for Environment and Climate Change said he endeavored to create a culture of delivering while serving as the County Secretary and added it comes with its’ own challenges.

He promised to tackle the intrusion of seawater into River Tana in Tana Delta Sub-County.

Jillo Algi nominee for Water, Energy, Mining, Wildlife, and Natural Resources vowed to bring efficiency in the docket.



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