TVET institutions hold drama festivals in Embu

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions held their national drama festivals at St. Marks Kigari Teachers College Embu bringing together 58 TVET institutions from across the country with close to 2,000 participants.

Michael Alwanga from Siaya Institute of Technology who lauded the event said the drama festival was important in building character and that each performance brings out talent that in turn fosters moral responsibility among the students.

He added that the drama festivals in the TVET institutions also aim at nurturing talents among the youth and to make TVET institutions attractive to the young people in Kenya.

Themed ‘promoting moral responsibility through theatre and film’, the drama festivals saw various TVET institutions across the country present performances touching on the issues affecting the youths and various communities in the country.

Manyatta Member of Parliament (MP) Gitonga Mukunji who was elated about the event held in Embu County said that he will push for the improvement of TVET institutions in Kenya noting that TVET institutions are the future of Kenya.

Mukunji at the same time called on Parliament to ensure that TVET institutions in Kenya are well-funded and that the Government releases the institution’s finances on time.

He added that many institutions failed to participate in the auspicious event due to financial constraints the institutions are currently experiencing.

“Many institutions here in Embu and across the country have failed to participate due to financial constraints. I urge parliament to ensure that TVET institutions are well funded and that the Government releases the institution’s finances on time,” said the MP.

The lawmaker urged parents not to let their sons and daughters stay at home after completing secondary school but to enroll them in TVET institutions because they are the future of the country.

Wilson Ndirangu of Mitunguu Technical Institute scripted his institution’s Kiswahili choral verse on the effects of social media and the internet on the youth, a play that kept the audience at the festival mimicking their performance which urged the Government to come up with mechanisms on how the youths can benefit financially from the internet considering the time they spend on the internet.

Ndirangu said that many youths are spending most of their time consuming the internet with most of them abusing it.



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