Two charged with multiple acts of robbery with violence

Two people were arraigned before a Kakamega court on charges of allegedly committing multiple acts of robbery with violence and defilement of a minor at

The court heard that Anthony Asinyikwa Burema alias Moses Lukati and Grace Ayieko William alongside other three persons committed the offences on diverse dates of July 2014 at Shibuli sub location Butsotso location Kakamega County.

Kakamega Senior Principal Magistrate Dolphina Alego heard that the accused persons who were armed with dangerous weapons including Ppangas and Crude weapons robbed Judith Ashioya Mangala valuables worth Sh. 4,600 which included a tekno mobile phone, one skirt, one shirt and Sh. 4000 at Shibuli sub location.

On the same day of July 28, 2014, the accused robbed a 13-year-old minor, her school bag worth Sh. 350 before the first accused person defiled her.

The Court also heard that on August 22 2014, Burema received a mobile phone knowing or having reasons to believe it to have been stolen or unlawfully obtained.

The Court was also informed that the two accused persons robbed one, James Mangalia Weche at Shibuli sub location his mobile phone, of make OKING, Sh. 10 000, two sets of table cloths, two pangas, one slasher all valued at Sh. 16 000.

On the same day, they also robbed Consolata Barasa Weche items valued at Sh. 4,950 which included mobile phones and cash money of Sh. 2,500.

The two accused persons allegedly robbed Wycliffe Olunga Ambuso on July 28, 2014 at Shibuli sub location items valued at Sh. 12000, threatening to use acts of violence against the victim.

Other complainants who claimed to have fallen victims to the accused are Linet Matumbwi Mutakha, Martin Muhambi Chibole who appeared to testify before the court on Tuesday September 7, 2022.

“All the witnesses testified in the presence of all the accused and they had the opportunity to post examine the witnesses,” said Catherine Onyango, the prosecutor of the case.

The case will be heard again on October 4, 2022.



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