UDA coordinators in Murang’a object list of nominated MCAs

A section of United Democratic Alliance (UDA) supporters in Murang’a have threatened to file a petition before court against the gazetted names of nominated MCAs by the party.

The supporters who majority are coordinators of the party have claimed the nomination was not balanced as some constituencies were not considered.

The coordinators on Wednesday argued they dropped their interest to vie after they were promised to be nominated as MCAs.

They castigated some leaders of the party for interfering with the nomination exercise saying some constituencies like Kigumo, Kangama and Gatanga did not get any slot in the nomination.

“Out of 12 slots for nomination in Murang’a, Kiharu got seven people. Other areas like Kangema, Kigumo and Gatanga did not get any slots.

“We are also concerned since there are two people nominated to be members of Murang’a county assembly and are not local residents,” claimed Jane Wanjiku from Kangema.

Wanjiku said local leaders of UDA promised to nominate some of the coordinators who volunteered to campaign for the party candidates who won with a big margin.

“We ask Governor Irungu Kang’ata to bring other leaders together and tackle the issue or failure they will be forced to seek redress in court,” added Wanjiku.

She called for transparency in the nominations and regional balance saying seven slots should not go in one constituency.

Bernard Mwangi from Mathioya constituency said initially they gave out names for nomination but surprisingly those that were published in the final list were not among the names forwarded to the party secretariat.

He observed that the nominations were done contrary to the previous agreement that each constituency will get a slot priority being given to those who vied for the seat and failed in the nominations.

Mwangi noted that areas which registered more members were promised to get more slots in the nomination but Kiharu which was given seven slots, failed to register the majority of members.

Kihoro Ndichu from Gatanga reprimanded those who interfered with the nomination exercise observing the party leadership should intervene and ensure there is transparency.

Rose Muthoni also from Gatanga said she was in the initial nomination list and she does not understand how her name was scraped off and replaced with another.

Muthoni who was vying for a ward rep seat in the UDA party said she had been promised a slot after dropping her bid and campaigning for the party.

She claimed that two of the nominees are from outside Murang’a County and this clearly indicates there was a hidden card being played.

“One of the nominees comes from Mikono in Mombasa and the other comes from Nakuru yet they have been nominated in Murang’a county assembly,” she said adding “why would we have outsiders nominated here and us the locals left out.”



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