Ugunja experiences an upsurge of crime

Sigomere in Ugunja sub county in Siaya has in the last one month recorded an increase in reported cases of crime with several claims of shop burglaries, murders and cattle theft.

According to Ugunja Sub County Police(SCPC) Commander Emmanuel Rono, the rising cases have been occasioned by a high number of criminals in the area who wait for the police patrol time to end and afterwards start their operation of breaking into shops and hotels to commit robbery.

Rono stated that in the recent month, six shops have been reportedly burglarized leaving the owners to incur great losses of unknown value from destruction and theft of properties.

The SCPC also added that according to the CCTV footage obtained by the police, the criminals who are yet to be identified, have been committing crimes while heavily armed with guns and crowbars used for breaking padlocks.

“These are inside jobs, there is no one who could come from outside and steal from us, our enemies are within us,” Mr Rono said.

He also urged the residents of Sigomere to come out and report any suspected criminals to minimize the rising rate of crime in the area.

In his remarks, the SCPC lauded boda boda riders for reporting and giving out suspects of crime to the authorities, adding that their genuine cooperation has been vital in finding evidence and recording of statements of the crimes committed for proper prosecution of those apprehended.



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