Uhuru Kenyatta Expresses Concern Over Escalating Violence in Eastern DRC’s North Kivu Region

Former President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, has expressed concern about the rapidly
deteriorating situation in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) North Kivu
region, where fighting has erupted between various armed groups, including the Armed
Forces of the Republic of Congo (FARDC) and the M23.

In a statement issued by the Office of the Retired President (ORP), Uhuru urged the
DRC government and the international community to increase their assistance to
internally displaced people (IDPs) displaced by the conflict.

Amidst reports of targeted civilian killings by armed groups and thousands of IDPs as a
result of the two days of fighting in the area, the former head of state also called for an
end to all hostilities and adherence to the Luanda and Nairobi Peace process
The most recent attack was conducted by suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)
fighters, killing at least 23 people in eastern DR Congo.
The ADF is one of the deadliest groups in eastern DRC and has been designated as a
Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States.

Ruby Kerubo

Ruby Kerubo

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