Vulnerable families benefit with Elimu Bursary Fund from County Government

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga has disbursed Elimu Bursary Fund cheques worth Sh 4 million in an effort to ensure children from vulnerable backgrounds do not miss school due to lack of fees.

This is part of the Sh.160 million Elimu Fund Bursary allocated in the financial year 2021/2022 to help students from vulnerable families further their education across the 30 wards.

Alice Wambui, a parent whose daughter was among the beneficiaries expressed her gratitude to the governor for his continued support towards the education sector.

Wambui said were it not for the bursary, her daughter would just be at home. “I thank the county government for this as I am a single mother of two and jobless,” added Wambui.

Another parent, James Kamau, said the county government of Nyeri has enabled many vulnerable students who could not afford to pay school fees continue with education.

Kamau a hawker in Nyeri town and a father of three school children said his children are all in school courtesy of Elimu Bursary fund. “This county government has made us proud by giving our children bursary as we are living in hard times,” said Kamau.

The Governor said his government through the Elimu Bursary Fund is targeting over 35,000 students in secondary schools, universities, vocational training centers, colleges and special schools across the 30 wards.



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