Woman killed by mob justice for allegedly assaulting husband

A 48-year-old woman was killed by her fellow women at Oloirien village in Narok South Sub County for allegedly assaulting her 68-year-old husband.

According to a village elder Samson Ntaloishi, the deceased identified as Kingasunye Musekenya was constantly assaulting her elderly husband, a thing that did not go down well with the community.

And yesterday, Ntaloshi said they heard a commotion in the homestead and rushed to check what was going on only to witness tens of women beating Ms. Musekenya accusing her of assaulting her husband.

“We rescued the woman from the wrath of her fellow women and rushed her to Ololulunga Sub County Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival,” he said.

Narok South Sub County Police Commander Isaac Omarre preliminary investigations show that the deceased had flog marks all over her body, an injury on her right leg and blood stains on her left ear.

The police boss confirmed that the body was moved to Narok County Referral hospital mortuary for preservation awaiting postmortem.

Residents were also cautioned against taking the law in their hands and challenged to report any criminal incidents to the chief or police who would help in resolving the issue amicably.



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