Women challenged to go for government positions

Women have been challenged not to fear but to fight for leadership positions in both national and county governments.

Dr. Naomi Kagone who has been named running mate by Murang’a gubernatorial candidate, Jamleck Kamau says women should not fear men when competing for various government positions including the seat of the deputy president.

She noted that leadership of women has been tested and proved saying this is the time for more women to be elected in different elective positions.

Naomi spoke when she met residents of Kangema and Mathioya on Saturday where she drummed support for her gubernatorial candidate.

“As I meet residents of these two sub counties, my appeal is to call upon women not to fear to take up leadership but to come out strongly and compete with men,” she added.

The business consultant and director of Kenya Chambers of Commerce, Murang’a chapter promised that if they win in the August election, she will ensure interests of women and youth are well catered for in the county administration.

“There are many challenges facing our county and I promise that with the leadership of Jamleck Kamau and me, we will embark to eliminate challenges which Murang’a residents have been encountering.

“Women will be given positions in the county administration and we will provide better health and education services to all residents,” she added.

A section of residents praised the move by various Murang’a gubernatorial candidates to pick women as their running mates.

Margret Wangui observed that to have a lady as a deputy governor will ensure interests of women are well represented in the devolved administration.

“In Kangema we need factories. Currently we have only a tea processing factory but we want an avocado and milk processing plants established in our sub county to cushion unemployment and also have value addition to our produce,” she added.

Nominated MCA Ruth Njeri said presidential candidates should choose women as their running mates, observing that the country is ready for women leadership.

“Counties with ladies as their governors have done well in terms of development and we also want this time to have a lady deputy president,” added Njeri.

Other gubernatorial candidates who have announced their running mates include Irungu Nyakera of Farmers party who picked Catherine Wairimu and Irungu Kang’ata who proposed Dr. Winnie Njeri Mwangi.



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