34-year-Old Dies in a Road Accident

Residents of Kasewe Location in Kabondo Kasipul woke up to a sad morning following a fatal road accident that led to the demise of a 34-year-old man last night.

Evans Ouma, the deceased, was knocked down by an oncoming vehicle while trying to cross the road along Oyugis-Kadongo road.

Speaking to journalists in Kadongo, Kasewe location Assistant Chief Dixon Samba said that the junction had become a black spot and had led to several road carnages.

“We found the body of Evans last night, he was unrecognisable from the accident that caused him to lose his life,” said Samba.

He said that the road has no bumps that could help control traffic in the region hence the frequent accidents.

“The road has led to loss of several lives since its construction because it is hilly and steep, and it has no speed bumps that can help control speed and that is the reason my people are dying,” he said.

Samba sent a plea to the highway authority requesting them to construct bumps and speed limiters on the highway to reduce the rate of accidents in the area.

“We need bumps that will help us control traffic on this highway, it is the only way we will be able to combat these road accidents,” he said.

The assistant chief asked road users to comply with the traffic rules while using the road to avoid future accidents.

The body of the deceased was taken to Rachuonyo District Hospital morgue.



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