48 Classrooms for Narok in the second phase of CBC classroom construction

Narok County has launched construction of 48 classrooms in the second phase of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC).

The new classrooms are an addition of 125 classrooms built in the first phase, which are now complete and commissioned.

Narok County Commissioner Isaac Masinde warned that contractors who were awarded the tender in the first phase, but failed to deliver on time that the government will not award them any other contract.

“There those contractors who were really stubborn and took time to complete their job, despite having accepted the contract. These contractors will not be awarded any contract in the second phase,” said Masinde.

The county commissioner spoke in a CBC classroom meeting held at the County Commissioner’s boardroom and attended by the eight Deputy County Commissioners from the eight sub counties, education officers, procurement officers and officers from the public works department.

The education officers were asked to involve the school principals in the construction process so that they can help in monitoring the progress of construction.

“Let the school’s principal be actively involved so that they can report on a daily basis the progress of construction. This is because we want the work done before the general elections,” said Masinde.

He reiterated that there was no need to delay in the second phase as a lot had been learnt in the first phase, adding that all officers knew how to go about the job.

“We did the exam in the first phase and passed very well. Now we should do excellent in the second phase to deliver the classrooms in the given deadlines,” he added.

He called on the education and public work officials to make regular impromptu visits to inspect the work to ensure the guidelines given by the ministry were adhered to.

Narok County Director of Education Jane Njogu said the construction cost remains Sh788, 000 per classroom, which the ministry had evaluated and found sufficient to construct one classroom.



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