Tribunal probing suspended Justice Chitembwe sworn in to office

he 12 members of the Special Tribunal appointed to probe the conduct of Justice Said Juma Chitembwe were today sworn into office by Chief Justice Martha Koome at the Supreme Court of Kenya.

The members who were appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to probe the suspended Justice Chitembwe include the Chairperson, Justice Mumbi Ngugi, Senior Counsel Kiragu Kimani will be the lead counsel assisted by Edward Nyang’au and Joseph Gitonga Riungu.

Other members are Justices Nzioki wa Makau, Abida Ali Aroni, Senior Counsel Fred Ojiambo, Lt. Gen. (Rtd.) Jackson W. Ndung’u, James Ochieng’ Oduol and Dr. Lydia Nzomo while the joint secretaries are Jasper M. Mbiuki and Sarah Yamo.

Congratulating the members for their appointment Justice Koome expressed confidence that the team will perform the task in accordance with the law and fairness and as per the Constitution which venerates the cardinal value and principle of justice.

“I have no doubt in my mind that the President had good reasons for appointing you given that you are distinguished professionals in your various professions,” said Koome.

She told the members to adhere to the mandate of the Tribunal of conducting its proceedings transparently, fairly and without any bias whether real or perceived.

“The oath which you have taken today should guide you in your day to day work. According to the oath, you must never depart from the law,” added the CJ, adding that the oath they have taken requires them to serve the country to the best of their abilities.



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