Concerns over increased suicide cases in Muranga

Murang’a County Commissioner, Karuku Ngumo, has raised concerns over increased suicide and murder cases within the county in the recent past.
Speaking to KNA in his office, the commissioner observed that over the last six months, the county recorded 35 suicide and 32 murder cases.
“To mention a few, in Murang’a East Sub County, five people committed suicide and six others were killed while in the neighbouring Kahuro sub county there were seven cases of suicide and eight of murder reported,” Ngumo stated, adding that the incidents are happening across the county hence an urgent need to curb the deaths.
He noted that the majority of those taking their lives are young and middle aged persons saying concerted efforts are needed to curb the problem.
Ngumo cited increased drug abuse and alcoholism as major causes for murder and suicide cases calling upon the local county government to be strict in licensing bar and restaurants in the county.
“In the recent past abuse of alcohol and drugs has been on rise and my office is committed to tackle the menace as we ask the county government to restrict opening of bars and other liquor outlets in the county,” he said.
The administrator further called upon community leaders and the clergy to help locals through counseling and guidance in order to assist and prevent the suicide and murder incidents.
“All leaders should be in the forefront to address this problem. We don’t want to lose people through murder and suicide. If it is depression let the community and church leaders help members of the society to overcome the hardships,” he said.
“The county security team is committed to fight drug abuse, especially bhang which has been common in some parts of this county,” the commissioner added.
On campaigns, Ngumo said they will not tolerate any one who will cause chaos or destroy property as they seek support from the electorate.
He vowed to apprehend aspirants and their supporters who cause mayhem citing a previous case where supporters of two gubernatorial aspirants clashed in Gaturi division.
“We will not hesitate to arrest aspirants whose supporters will cause chaos and infringe peace. It’s my appeal to all those seeking various elective positions to ensure their supporters carry out peaceful campaigns,” he further said.
Meanwhile Ngumo underscored the development record attained by the Jubilee administration in the county.
The CC asked local residents to appreciate the achievements of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government saying that the county has experienced many notable developments over the last 10 years.
“I request the people of Murang’a to appreciate the improved water, roads and electricity connectivity projects among others which have touched their lives,” Ngumo said.



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