More youth to benefit from Kazi Mtaani in Busia

Over 6000 youth in Busia County are set to benefit from National Hygiene Program popularly known as Kazi Mtaani, a program which was launched, yesterday, by the Western Regional Commissioner (RC), Isaiah Nakoru, at County Commissioner’s grounds.

Addressing over 500 youth drawn from seven Sub-counties in Busia, the RC encouraged youths to make the best use of their time and to avoid indulging in criminal activities.

“For many years the youth in Busia have been participating in activities such as night vigils, which caused an increase in cases of early pregnancies and spread of STIs. This program aims at empowering youths to make best use of their lives,” said Nakoru.

The selected youth will take part in the general hygiene, as well as taking part in the environmental protection, by increasing forest cover through tree planting.

They will also take part in seedling production and tree planting and slashing grass and clearing the bushes in public places, in a move to clean and beautify the environment.

The recruitss will pocket a daily allowance of Kshs. 505 at supervisory position and 455 for other labours.

“As government, we are committed to your welfare and will ensure that the recruitment exercise is carried out smoothly to give each of you an opportunity to make income,” said Nakoru.

He said that the government is keen to give opportunity to those who have never had a chance, so as to ensure fairness to all.

“If you miss out this time, do not be discouraged, another chance will come. I am aware that over 16,000 youths in Busia applied, but only 6,000 were selected,” added the RC.

Nakoru urged Busia residents to maintain peace and harmony before, during, and after the forthcoming General Elections. He warned them against being used by politicians to cause violence.

“Our security officers are vigilant, and will deal firmly with anybody who perpetuates violence or harmful acts to lives and property,” added Nakoru.

One of the participants by the name Salai David was thankful to the government for the initiative, noting that it will make a huge difference to his life.

“I look forward to being hired in this program, so that I am able to provide for my family,” he said.

Jane Abuga, another beneficiary, thanked the government for the chance that will see her earn a living.

“The COVID-19 pandemic affected my hawking business, but I am grateful for this opportunity to earn some extra money while also helping to keep the environment clean,” she expressed.



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