Pastor in court

A pastor was on Wednesday arraigned at Loitoktok law court charged with obtaining Sh2.27 million by false pretense.

Joshua Toret of Agape Church Loitoktok was charged before Principal Magistrate Judicaster Nthuku that on diverse dates between July and September 2021 at Kimana Trading Centre he obtained the money by false pretense belonging to Edward Ngigi Waweru.

While testifying in court Waweru said that on diverse dates between the month of July and September 2021 at Kimana trading center in Loitoktok Sub- County he gave Pastor Toret Sh 2.27 million allegedly to construct a children’s home in Kimana township.

Waweru who is a businessman said the accused was introduced to him by his friend, Pastor Saitore ole Ntii

In July, Waweru sent Sh1.2 million as initial payment through Mpesa, while the rest was sent later at different dates totaling to Sh2.27 million.

All along, Pastor Toret claimed to be the overseer for Agape churches in Loitokitok region.

The two had agreed that the accused was to pay the money plus interest by mid-September 2021.

However, when the time for payment was due the accused started giving excuses and taking Ngigi in circles.

Later the complainant learned that the accused had done nothing with the money and had no land to construct the children home.

He reported the matter at Kimana police station and the search for the accused who had relocated with his family to unknown destination commenced.

On January 25, this year the accused was spotted in his house at Kimana and police officers were alerted and the accused was arrested and escorted to police station, where he was charged with the offence before being arraigned in court where he denied the charges.

The matter was adjourned to June 6, 2022 for further hearing.



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