Embu County Government unveils Cabinet

Embu County Governor Cecily Mbarire has unveiled her nominees for ten-member cabinet as the new administration takes shape following her election to the county top seat.

In a letter to the media, the Governor nominated former Manyatta Member of Parliament (MP) and former Embu Gubernatorial aspirant on a Jubilee ticket Emilio Kathuri as CEC Administration, Public Service and ICT.

Mbarire also nominated Joe Kamaria to serve as CEC Finance and Economic Planning, John Nyaga as CEC Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperative Development and Francis Ndwiga as CEC Health.

The county boss also nominated Florence Ndinda Musyoka to serve in her administration as CEC Water, Irrigation, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, Raymond Kinyua to serve as CEC Lands, Housing and Urban Planning, Elijah Njeru Mugo as CEC Roads, Transport and Public Works, Jane Waroga as Youth, Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services and Daniel Ngeranwa as CEC Education.

Governor Mbarire further nominated the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Runyenjes Women Trust Fund Jamal Abdi as the CEC Trade, Tourism and Industry Development and Dr. Esther Thaara Muoria as the County Secretary and Head of Public Service.

In a letter to the media, the Governor said that the nomination was as per the County Government Act article 42(2).

The Governor noted that the appointments were made to enhance service delivery to the people of Embu.

The CECM nominees will undergo vetting by the County Assembly of Embu before they are sworn in.



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