Accept election results, Ole Sapit urges politicians

The Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit has urged political leaders to accept the outcome of the August 9 General Election and avoid inciting their supporters to cause violence.

Ole Sapit said the aspirants should instead use the judicial system to sort out their grievances instead of mobilising youth to take to the streets to protest the outcome.

Speaking in Kajiado town at the Emmanuel ACK Cathedral, the Archbishop warned that for peace to prevail, the leaders must accept the will of the people.

He noted that tension during the electioneering period is normally brought about by rejection of election results by the aspirants leading to violence and disruption of normal business.

“I want to urge the political class to respect the will of Kenyans, if you are defeated accept the results and if you feel aggrieved then go to court instead of inciting people to demonstrate in the streets,” he said.

The Archbishop revealed that the economy is slowly recovering from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and locust invasion and added that further disruption of business as a result of election violence would bring it to its knees.

He added that Kenyans were suffering due to the high cost of living and need a peaceful and conducive environment to carry on with their day-to-day business devoid of post-election disturbances.

“The economy has already taken a hit from the Covid-19 pandemic and locust invasion and Kenyans are suffering with the current high cost of living, we do not need any more disruption of businesses,” said the Archbishop.

Ole Sapit further called on Kenyans to vote on Election Day and go home to await the results and avoid being incited by politicians to protest the outcome.

“We need each other as Kenyans as there is life after elections, we should never allow loss of life because of elections. Let us preserve life and maintain love for each other as Kenya belongs to all of us,” he said.



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