African Stream: A New Social Media Platform Aims to Challenge Negative Stereotypes

Newly created social-media platform, African Stream, is aiming to tackle negative
stereotypes and give a voice to Africans through cutting-edge, African-centered content.
The platform, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, is the first of its kind and aims to
produce content that accurately represents the continent. The platform will tackle tough
issues such as the exploitation of African wealth, how grants and other forms of
assistance are used as a weapon among other tough discussions.
The platform will also produce high-impact stories on culture, politics, commerce,
sports, music, entertainment, innovation, technology and infrastructure.
Ahmed Kaballo, founder and CEO of African Stream, said “I want to build a platform
that represents all of that with emphasis on Africa on the rise. I’ve been in the media my
entire career and I am excited to create an African news platform to define our story in
our voice.”

Ruby Kerubo

Ruby Kerubo

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