Aspirants in pledge for peaceful campaigns in Murang’a   

Aspirants eying various elective seats in Murang’a County have vowed to conduct mature and peaceful campaigns.

Speaking when they met officials of Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on Wednesday in a local hotel, the aspirants for governor, woman representative and senator seats, said they will major in advocating what is in their manifesto instead of insults and maligning other candidates’ names during the campaign period.

Jubilee gubernatorial candidate Jamleck Kamau said that it was time for aspirants to portray maturity by ensuring peace and tranquility prevails among residents.

He said there is no need to divide the residents and hurl insults to competitors saying after elections life will continue as usual.

“Today’s meeting was successful, we were taken on the requirements needed to present so as to be cleared to vie by the IEBC. We want mature campaigns devoid of insults, threats among other issues, said Kamau.

“I have witnessed a renewed unity among aspirants in Murang’a and we hope no one will spearhead hatred or cause disunity among the residents,” added Kamau.

On his part, Wairagu wa Maai who is vying on Democratic Party (DP) ticket called his competitors to sell their manifesto in a peaceful manner.

He observed that people of Murang’a want to hear what their aspirants have for them after winning the elections.

“Peace is paramount and from what I have witnessed today, there is hope campaigns in Murang’a will be peaceful,” he added.

Irungu Nyakera of Farmers Party said campaigns will intensify after they are cleared by IEBC from May 29.

He called upon the residents of Murang’a to avoid being divided on political lines saying neighbours will remain neighbours even after elections.

The county IEBC manager Ms Saumu Chirchir stated that they have taken through the aspirants on all the documents needed for registration and submission of nomination papers.

She said the registration will kick off on May 29 where those vying for senators will be first to present their papers.

“Those vying for woman representative will start submitting their papers on June 1 and for governor aspirants will start on June 4. We expect the aspirants to be prepared for the exercise since we have taken them through on what is needed,” added Chirchir.

Official campaigning period is expected to kick off early June after aspirants are cleared by the IEBC.



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