Aspirants urged to conduct peaceful campaigns

Political aspirants allied to the Azimio la Umoja-one Kenya coalition have urged Kenyans to shun violence as August General Election campaigns intensify.

Elections, they said, should never be the source of animosity, but a fair competition to enable citizens to elect the best leaders.

Speaking at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), Offices in Nakuru after presenting their nomination papers, senatorial aspirant on Jubilee ticket Mr Lawrence Karanja and his Bahati constituency parliamentary hopeful Irene Njoki pledged to continue preaching peace.

“We should all play mature politics devoid of hatred. Guide your supporters to respect the law. We want a peaceful election and we want every politician to sell their agenda because, at the end of it all, voters will make an informed decision on who to elect,” Mr Karanja said.

The former Trade and Industrialization Chief Administrative Secretary said all those seeking elective seats should be given an opportunity to sell their agenda without intimidation.

Mr Karanja urged women to make their votes count by embracing leaders with vision.

“It’s women who vote in large numbers. Women now should make their voters count and pick leaders who transform the country,” he said.

Similarly, Ms Njoki urged Kenyans to vote wisely in the August 9 polls.

“There are politicians coming with goodies. Vote wisely for growth and good governance. When you see us walking around, we just don’t want to make noise but make peace. It is women and children who suffer when there is no peace. Let’s embrace and conduct peaceful campaigns,” she said.

Njoki advised the electorate to use the power of the ballot to elect leadership that could guarantee fairness and accountability in service delivery.

She added: “Gullible youths are being used by certain politicians to cause chaos in the political rallies of their opponents. Elections come and go and life will continue. You should stop fighting over politicians.”

The aspirants asked voters to examine their leaders’ track record, shun corrupt leaders and instead elect those who support development.

“The country must now fight corruption and demand accountability from the leaders. We must stop corruption and engage in development. Let’s stand with what is right in God’s eye and let’s say no to violence,” Ms Njoki said.



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