Azimio la Umoja alliance seeks for one political candidate on each seat

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya presidential running mate Martha Karua has said they are deliberating on having popular candidates fly off their alliance flag on August 9 generation elections in Laikipia county.

Speaking in Nanyuki town on her campaign tour on Wednesday, Karua said it was the only way to win the August poll which is 46 days away.

“Azimio coalition accommodates over 26 political parties and with that in mind, you should support each other since we are in the same political outfit. There is only one candidate who will win. As days go by, here in Laikipia we will decide who to support from the Governor, women representative and MP. If we don’t do that, we are likely to lose,” said Karua.

Karua, at the same time drummed support for presidential candidate Raila Odinga signalling to Azimio la Umoja candidates who are not campaigning for the former premier, that they would be disciplined.

“For candidates, if we realise that you are seeking your votes without drumming support for Azimio, we will know you are not with us. You are the reason that has impeded Azimio to penetrate at grassroot level. Don’t fear wooing voters to support us. We want you to be good Azimio la Umoja ambassadors,” said Karua.

She urged the coalition candidates to woo voters politely and with ideas of why they should be supported on clinching political seats without causing chaos.

“Azimio la Umoja team is hard workers and trustworthy unlike our competitors. Odinga’s track record is clear. I call you to elect good leaders aimed at securing your future,” urged Karua.

She said, once elected, they will fight corruption, improve health care, create employment, enhance security and education.

“We want good leadership and are committed to sealing all loopholes where money gets lost, as we aim at improving your economic livelihoods,” she said.

Ms Karua was accompanied by Laikipia governor Ndiritu Muriithi, National Rainbow Coalition party governorship candidate Gitonga Kabugi among other candidates who are seeking various political seats in the county. They said when elected, they will serve residents diligently.



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