Azimio presidential running mate woos Meru residents

Azimio-one Kenya Alliance Presidential running mate Martha Karua has called on Kenyans to scrutinise the character of all the presidential candidates before casting their votes on August 9 general election.

Speaking during her first visit to Meru County after she was picked by Raila Odinga as his running mate in the upcoming election, Ms. Karua said Kenyans should elect leaders who have their interests at their heart as opposed to those seeking to serve their personal interests.

She said their camp had no issue with any leader but it was up to Kenyans to decide on their destiny for the next five years.

“We have no issues with anyone but we have come to seek your support for our candidature with a lot of respect and humbleness,” said Ms. Karua.

She said their alliance would not force anyone to vote for them since Kenyans have a democratic right to vote for a leader of their choice.

She went on to drum up support for Odinga adding that she has known him for many years since when they were fighting for the country’s second liberation and she was pretty sure that he has the interest of all Kenyans at his heart.

“I have seen Mr. Odinga stand with Kenyans when in and out of government meaning that the interest of Kenyans is in his heart,” she said.

She said she has also been out of government for the last 10 years but Kenyans could attest to the fact that she has been fighting for their rights even more than those serving in government.

“The combination of Raila and myself means the rights of Kenyans will be served to the letter,” said Ms. Karua.

“Remember that I have never joked with any task bestowed on me at any time. I have ever been serious, fearless and cannot be intimidated by anyone,” she said adding that their main purpose for seeking the post was to clean up the country and restore its lost glory.

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya who led the delegation said he had no ill-feeling despite the fact that he did not clinch the running mate seat.

“We were out for hunting and despite the fact that we didn’t get the elephant we were looking for, we have not come back empty handed and we appreciate what we have gotten,” said Munya.

He added that he would support the candidature of Raila Odinga and Martha Karua to the end and appealed to the people of Meru not to be left out of the incoming government that they were optimistic of forming.

Other leaders in the delegation included Jeremiah Kioni (Ndaragwa), Kanini Kega (Kieni) and Sabina Chege (Murang’a).



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