Kalonzo scoffs at the Azimo running mate selection team

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has mocked unnamed Azimio La Umoja-One Kenya coalition running mate select panel members of being insincere.

While questioning the neutrality of some of panel members, Kalonzo said it was only himself, President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader Raila Odinga who will have final verdict on who will be the coalition’s running mate.

Kalonzo, who is in Mombasa to popularise former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko’s gubernatorial candidature, said some members of the panel he did not name have a skewed mindset and told his loyalists to forget the team and focus on popularising Odinga’s presidential bid.

“There are few members on that panel who talk this and that. However, at the end of the day, I will sit with President Kenyatta and my friend Raila we resolve the issue amicably,” he added while addressing Changamwe residents.

He told the residents that he has supported Raila’s presidential bid since 2007 adding that Azimio la Umoja coalition’s victory in the August 8 polls depends on the calibre of the running mate.

Kalonzo said the debate about running mate would not cause any acrimony between him and Odinga whom he described as a strong partner in their long political journey.

However, some party members said their presence in the coalition would be determine by who will be the running mate.

On his part, Sonko told Kalonzo that in case he is not going to deputize Odinga, they will have no choice but to chart different political path.

“We want to inform Senator Enoch Wambua who is our party representative in that selection panel not to waste his time there and come back for further consultation. We shall guide Kalonzo on the direction based on political landscape,” added Sonko.

Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo, Sonko’s running mate in Mombasa gubernatorial race, cautioned other Azimio coalition members against ‘underrating Kalonzo influence in the August 8 polls”.

“There is no way Kalonzo who has formidable political base is to be treated like a small player in the current political matrix. Without him, Raila will concede defeat,” added Mbogo.

Kalonzo also defended Sonko’s candidature in Mombasa governor’s seat race saying the controversial former Nairobi Governor has every right to seek for elective positions in any part of the country.

“Mike Sonko has rights to run for even Turkana Governor’s seat. His a serious contender with a brilliant agenda to transform Mombasa into Africa Dubai,” he added.

The Wiper Leader said his party is committed to winning majority of Mombasa MCAs seats with a view of protecting Sonko from any plot to impeach him should he emerge victor.

Kalonzo also dismissed Mombasa leaders who have mocked his party’s decision to field Sonko as its flag bearer for the top seat with Mbogo as his deputy.

Sonko and Mbogo told Changamwe and Tudor residents that they were on a mission to turn around the economy of Mombasa and address perennial social challenges of drugs, crime and unemployment.

They accused Governor Joho of running the county coffers “as a family entity” at the detriment of the local population whom he said were struggling to make ends meet.

“My candidature is anchored on youth and women empowerment. We will establish a revolving fund to help them start income generating activities,” added Sonko.

They further pledged to reform juvenile deviant youth involved in criminal activities and ensure they played a key role in economic growth and wealth creation.

“I will work with law enforcement agencies to reform the machete welding youth attacking Mombasa residents. I have done it in Nairobi including our party senatorial candidate, Mr Galgalo, who was a well-known criminal but is now a gentleman,” added Sonko.

They also pledged to fix perennial water crisis and poor drainage system affecting about a million of Mombasa residents.

“We are in consultation with a Swiss investor to set up water distillation facility that will turn the salty sea water into fresh piped water for every household in our county,” he added.

The duo also vowed to stop a planned relocation of residents of a Tudor based slum claiming that it’s a ploy to grab their land.



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