Bodaboda operators encouraged to turn up for registration

Bodaboda operators in Kisii County have been encouraged to turn up in large numbers and be enlisted at various registration centres to ensure they operate within the law before the deadline set by the government.

Addressing the operators during a meeting at Agricultural Training Centre (ATC) on the outskirts of Kisii town, National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) Road Safety Officer Gerald Oyugo stated that 6,541 operators have been registered at Kisii huduma centre and Keumbu registration centre.

“Bodaboda leadership should urge those operators who are close to the huduma centre to utilize that opportunity to register. People have reduced in number because other centres have been opened to help reduce the congestion,” added Oyugo.

He noted that riders who would not be registered by the end of the programme would have a hard time doing their business saying they would be operating in hiding to avoid being caught by the authorities.

He said that bodaboda operators should submit their own mobile numbers, noting that some operators have given wrong numbers and complained of not receiving notification messages after the registration.

“For bodaboda riders to operate and carry pillion passengers, they must go for training and acquire driving licenses under category A2. They must be insured under third party PSV, and have two helmets, and reflector jackets,” the Officer affirmed.

Oyugo added that operators must ensure the length of luggage they carry is at most 15cm and those riders who transport construction metal rods should desist because they may ended up causing accidents.

He urged the operators to always give traffic officers time to determine the cause of the accident adding that riders should not hide motorcycles involved in an accident and beat up motorists claiming they were always the cause.

Kisii Central Sub County Cooperatives Officer Carren Mirieri stated that the government required a minimum of 100 bodaboda riders to form a Sacco saying self-help groups could not get loans from banks because they were not recognized.

“One of the principles of cooperatives is economic participation by a member. Members shall contribute equitably to the capital of the cooperative and share its results of operations,” added Mirieri.

Mirieri said that Saccos shall show concern to the community in which they exist and operate by protecting the environment saying bodaboda riders should have community projects that would help them give back to the community.




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