Women in Embu hold peace walk

Hundreds of women in Embu, Saturday, joined the rest of the country in celebrating this year’s World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, by holding a peace walk to promote and advocate for peaceful elections.

The walk dubbed “National Women’s Peace Walk” was flagged off at Moi Stadium-Embu, by County Commissioner (CC), Eddyson Nyale.

The participants walked around the town carrying banners with peace messages to sensitise residents on the need to uphold peaceful campaigns during electioneering season.

Speaking after the completion of the 8km walk that culminated in a tree-planting exercise at Kangaru DEB Primary School l compound, the CC said the initiative was timely, coming at a time campaigns were intensifying in the build-up to the August polls.

He implored on political aspirants vying for various seats in the County to conduct their campaigns in orderly and mature manner, devoid of chaos or inciting remarks.

“We do not want campaigns and elections that will disturb the public peace we have enjoyed for a long time in this County,” Dr. Nyale cautioned even as he warned that action will be taken against perpetrators of chaos.

Mt. Kenya Region Hindu Community leader Vimal Chadha, said it was upon every Kenyan to ensure peace was maintained before, during and after the elections.

County Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Chair, Mary Kavinda, said women are the ones who usually bear the brunt of election related violence more as they are the ones who end up taking care of their injured “husbands and sons”.

She said this is because men and especially the youth are more susceptible to be used to instigate violence than women.

Youth leader, Njoki Wanjiru, called on fellow youths not to be used by politicians to cause chaos but rather concentrate on what they can do to earn a living.

“We should not be carried away by politics to the extent of instigating violence to destroy a nation that has taken many years to build,”Njoki said.

Woman Rep. aspirant, Catherine Njiru, said regardless of whatever side of the political divide one belongs to, Kenyans should not let politics drive a wedge between citizens.



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