Bungoma labour court pushes civil servants’ case hearing to July

The Labour and Employment Court in Bungoma has pushed a case involving Union of Kenya Civil Servants (UKCS) and Bungoma County government to July following the absence of the respondent.

Labour and Employment court judge Lady Justice Jemimah Keli said that the case would now be settled in July because the court would proceed on recess in August due to the electioneering period.

Talking to the media after the court session, Secretary General Union of Kenya Civil Servants western region Convert Ademba said that they were very annoyed with the Bungoma county government for turning a deaf ear to their grievances despite their efforts to engage the county.

Mr. Ademba added that UKCS workers have served in the Bungoma County government for over seven years without pay and with a poor working environment.

He added that the court had earlier on issued an order for the county government to allow their workers to continue working as the case proceeds but the county went ahead and dismissed them without pay.

“We have been quarreling with the County leadership for many years until we are tired with this leadership,” he said.

He said the county government’s decision to dismiss the Union workers from service was un-procedural.

The Unionist said that they would still push the county leadership to ensure that the workers are sorted out and their demands are heard.



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