Bungoma takes a multipronged approach to curb teenage pregnancies.

Bungoma County ministry of health, has partnered with Kisumu Medical and Educational Trust (KMET), a nongovernmental organization established to promote quality in health and education services across Kenya to provide support in adolescent sexual reproductive health.

KMET champions for access to quality and comprehensive reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health among communities,

Dr. Odongo ,Dio , a specialist in female reproductive health who works as an advisor in KMET says the organization has helped 23 counties in the area of reproductive health.

In Bungoma the organization is helping girls aged 10-19 years and those that got pregnant and underwent abortions in unsafe ways.

He spoke on Friday in Bungoma during a stakeholder meeting on reproductive health and teenage pregnancies.

Bungoma adolescent sexual reproductive health Coordinator, Millicent Kiplai said the meeting was called to give different stakeholders a forum to seek ways to deal with challenges of teenage pregnancies facing the county

M/S Jemima Maina , a Ministry of Education representative , said that during the covid 19 period ,Bungoma county had the highest number of early pregnancies.

She said that the ministry of health is stressing that health clubs be initiated in schools where children can be taught reproductive health.

She added that teaching reproductive health to the children makes them more aware of adolescence and are thus able to understand and appreciate the changes that they undergo during this stage.

“Children will know how to cope with the physical, emotional and psychological changes and know who to approach when time comes.” Ms Maina said and urged parents to be very keen with their children at teenage.

Maria Mohammed, a programme manager in stage media Art, said that the challenges facing young girls is lack of information, minimal access to youth friendly services, and high poverty levels that make young girls to engage in sex for money.

She said that they offer referral services to facilities that support girls in the community.



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