Bustle as schools resume after General Election

It was bustle and hustle in Bomet County as schools reopened following a brief break to allow for the just concluded general elections in the country.

Parents and their children were on Thursday morning seen by KNA swarming various supermarkets and bookshops to replenish personal items as well as stationeries.

At the Bomet Town main bus terminus, jostling for slots in public transport was witnessed, with bodaboda riders making their way into the area carrying students from various rural homes.

The town was generally calm, four days after the announcement of presidential polls results that was received with delight after Dr William Ruto was confirmed winner.

Richard Bosuben from Chebirir village in Chepalungu Sub-County told KNA in Bomet town that he projected much from Kenya Kwanza Alliance administration even as the county collectively voted them in.

Bosuben urged the next administration to give precedence to lowering the cost of living saying he was forced to sell his cows to raise school fees arrears for his four children in various secondary schools and one in college.

“There is no money at all. Everything is very expensive and yet the prices of our agricultural produce have remained the same,” he said.

“On Tuesday at Kapkwen market, I sold my only two cows at a paltry Sh47 000. I had no option. We used to rely on maize crops and beans in this region but since the onset of lethal necrosis disease in 2012, production has remained dismal and absolutely unpredictable”.

He however expressed optimism that the situation will change with the expected change of guard adding that the Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition should concede defeat to allow the Government to embark on addressing actual issues affecting the common man.

As for Jane Mabwai from Kyong’ area, the school calendar adjustment efforts have taken a toll on her as she has had no rest in efforts to raise school fees for her children.

Mrs. Mabwai, who is a widow, said her vegetable trade at Bomet market was not adequate to raise sufficient money at such short successive school terms.

When asked whether she had benefited from various forms of bursaries offered by Government, Mrs Mabwai revealed that she once unsuccessfully applied for Constituency Development Fund bursary after which she gave up.

She was however optimistic that in 2023, when the school calendar will have gone back to normal, she will have a sigh of relief as her three children would help her with farm work during school holidays.

Her plea to the next Government is to ensure that the skyrocketing cost of basic commodities is tamed to relieve parents and the general populace in the country.



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