Candidates call for eradication of violence

A section of candidates eyeing various seats in Homa Bay county have asked the area security arms to work towards eradicating cases of violence in the county.

Former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, former Ndhiwa MP Agostinoh Neto and Kidero’s running mate Elijah Kodoh expressed concerns over the rising political violence in the county.

They at the same time condemned Monday’s skirmishes in West Kamagak ward in Kisipul constituency where at least four people were injured.

The people who included Kasipul parliamentary candidate Mohammed Swalleh were injured in the politically instigated violence during a burial ceremony in the area.

Speaking during a joint political rally at Gaena village in Ndhiwa Constituency, Kidero argued that the rate at which politicians cause violence in the county requires quick interventions by security apparatus.

He also cited cases of violence which occurred at Pala, Wage, and Nyakwere all in Karachuonyo constituency. Similar violence had also been witnessed in Ndhiwa and Kasipul constituencies.

“These cases of violence in this county are alarming. We appeal to police to move with speed and arrest the perpetrators,” Kidero said.

Neto who is eyeing Ndhiwa parliamentary seat argued that there is a group of politicians in the county who target their opponents. He said such politicians perpetrate the attacks in a bid to weaken their opponents.

“It is wrong that some politicians who have sensed defeat start causing violence. I want to tell them that there is no election which is won with violence,” Neto said. He called on all politicians to embrace peaceful campaigns.

“We want peaceful campaigns. There is no need of fighting because all of us are supporting Azimio Presidential candidate Raila Odinga,” Neto said.

Kidero warned that the situation should not escalate to a level that may force them to take the law into their hands by defending themselves.

“We don’t want a situation that may force us to take the law into our hands for self-defense. Let our security apparatus intervene and contain the violence,” Kidero added.

On his part, Kodoh told security officials in the county not to spare anybody who breaches peace.

“We want to see people who perpetrate the attack arrested and charged,” Kodoh maintained.



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