CBC classroom completion at 87 per cent in Narok

87 per cent of the first phase of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) classrooms have been completed in Narok County, the area County Commissioner Isaac Masinde has said.

Masinde observed that the few classrooms left were mostly in Trans Mara South and West sub counties where the contractors assigned to do the job declined due to the terrain in parts of the areas.

He spoke when he presided over the opening of a new CBC classroom at Metenguar Secondary School in Trans Mara West Sub County where he reiterated that the sluggish contractors had been axed and would not qualify for any contract from the government in future.

“We have blacklisted the sluggish contractors who failed to do their job as expected and terminated their contracts. They should be reminded that they will never get a contract with any government department because they have proved they do not have the capacity to do the job,” said Masinde.

He was accompanied by the County Development and Implementation Coordination Committee (CDICC) who included a representative from the Presidential Delivery Unit (PDU) John Karanja, County Security team led by Narok Police Commander Kizito Mutoro among other officers.

Masinde lauded Narok East Sub County that had all the classrooms complete despite the weather and terrain challenges that the contractors faced. In the first phase, the county had a target to construct 125 classrooms.

“The government wants value for money and every time you commit to do a certain job, you must complete it as agreed in the contract letter otherwise we will terminate your contract and will never give you another opportunity,” he said.

Other challenges included; contractors committing to do more classrooms than their capacity while others did not have money to do the work.

The CBC classrooms project was launched in December 2021 to give room for the grade six candidates who are expected to join Junior Secondary Schools in January 2023.

Each classroom was to be contracted at a cost of Sh788, 000 and the project aimed at benefiting the local contractors.



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