Citizens shouldn’t beg for government services

Nyamira County Commissioner (CC) Michael Lesmam has advised residents against begging or bribing for their rightly deserved government services.

Speaking at Ekerenyo grounds in Nyamira County, the CC told residents that they should confidently and respectfully seek for various government services without fear of intimidation.

“Many of you have been greatly compromised to an extent of giving bribes to access various government services which should not be the case because you have a right for that particular service unless you are paying statutory fees where you are issued with an official receipt,” said Lesman.

“Qualifying for bursary allocation from various government departments undertaking the programme has become a nightmare for most vulnerable residents. Officers vetting those to qualify have lowered professionalism and are accepting monetary ‘tokens’ to approve those to qualify. This has compromised the whole process at the same time tainting government’s image,” he noted.

“Public and Civil Servants are facilitated and paid by your own taxes and should therefore provide efficient services to tax payers without compulsion,” the CC stated.

He further said that the security department is investigating the criminal justice system because illicit brew dealer dealers could comfortably pay any amount of fine issued before a court of law indicating that they were a highly funded syndicate which he promised to nab soon.

“Vote wisely and peacefully because the kind of leader you will elect in the forthcoming general election on August 9 will determine the kind and quality of development projects you expect that leader to initiate and implement successfully,” he counselled.

He assured that his security team is very alert and vigilant to deal with any incident of insecurity in the county and appealed to residents to report insecurity incidents to be dealt with so that they could live without fear of losing their hard-earned investment.

Speaking at the same forum, Nyamira Deputy Governor Dr. James Gesami appealed to residents to conduct peaceful elections and requested them to vote back the incumbent Governor so he could complete the development projects he has already initiated.



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