Commissioner orders crackdown Isiolo pubs

Isiolo County Commissioner Mr. Geoffrey Omoding has ordered police and other security agencies in the County to arrested pubs’ owners who opened before 5pm in the evening.

The County boss decried that cases of illicit brew and abuse of hard drugs were alarming in the county and were responsible for moral decay of youth and destroyed prospects of leading a better future lifestyle.

Addressing security officers and religious leaders while flagging off a 2 km peace walk from his office yard, Omoding said the theme of the walk was piga kura si mtu election bila noma and warned politicians who have a habit of poisoning young people to cause chaos their days are numbered.

Omoding said the government would not spare politicians who incite youths to cause chaos in their opponents’ rallies adding that offenders would be arrested and prosecuted.

He warned that security officers would attend all rallies and record those using local language or social media inappropriately and those found with causing problems would be arrested and chances of going to the ballot would be minimal.

Omoding added that already, politicians were in the court corridors charged with incitement.

The county boss directed chiefs and their assistants to attend all rallies without taking side and inform his office on daily basis.

Omoding urged youths not to be misused by politicians who dump them after elections saying elections come and go after every five years ‘but your neighbour would be your neighbour until death separates you’.

The County Police Commander Mr. Hassan Barua said that not political music would be played after 6pm and urged politicians to stick to the times set.

He added that his officers were on alert and 24/7 patrol would continue and appealed to wananchi to be good citizens by reporting suspected threatening incidents so that the officers could response on time.

The Isiolo interfaith chairman Ahmed Sett challenged youths and women to be patriotic by distance them from what would cause conflict but report suspicious cases to elders of Nyumba Kumi or assistant chief who would take responsibility.

Sett who also accompanied by his secretary General Bishop Stephen Kalunyu asked boda boda raiders not to be misused during the rallies saying the government has enough officers both uniform and civilian who closely watched them.

Bishop Kalunyu said that interfaith have agreed to support any candidate who would preach peace before, during and after election.



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