Community urged to embrace construction of churches

Residents of Homa-Bay County have been urged to embrace construction of churches as a way of strengthening the moral fabric of society.

Government Spokesperson Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna, said that places of worship are the only places where every Kenyan is welcome and can find solace and spiritual nourishment to ease life’s challenges.

“There is need to channel more resources towards building places of worship in a manner that emulates our faith and belief,” stated Oguna.

Speaking Saturday during a fundraiser in aid of Karogo SDA church in Rachuonyo South Sub County, Oguna called on the clergy to open their doors to all Kenyans and shun divisions based on politics or ethnicities.

“The houses of God should be open to every Kenyan and these are not the times to be differentiating who should join us in worship based on their ethnicities or political persuasion,” added Oguna.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) David Omwoyo who was also present at the event, called on the residents to uphold peace during this electioneering period.

Omwoyo encouraged the residents to elect responsible leaders who will not only respect God but will also put the development of the county ahead of their interests.

“Every year, we pool resources to help in the construction of at least one church in a chosen part of the country, and we are calling on fellow Kenyans to join us in developing places of worship,” explained Omwoyo.

The CEO further urged spiritual leaders to guide their flock appropriately and pray for the country for peace to prevail as the August general election draws near.

Korogo SDA church resident Pastor Dickson Achianga, expressed his gratitude to the officials for supporting the church.

He said that development of numerous churches in the region had stalled due to overreliance on donations from politicians that only come during the electioneering season as a way of wooing voters.

over one million shillings was raised during the event for renovation of the prayer house and pastor’s house

Also present at the event was the Director, Government Advertising Agency (GAA) Paul Gwaro Ogaro.



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