Construction of boreholes and water pans in Tana River

Tana River County Government has set aside about Sh143 million during the financial year 2021/2022 to undertake small scale irrigation and value addition projects that involve drilling 12 boreholes and constructing three water pans in Tana River Sub County.

Speaking to the press at Hola water supply station Friday, the Tana River County government Irrigation Eng. William Jillo said the projects in the Ministry of Agriculture were aimed at enhancing irrigation infrastructure and water resources development.

Eng. Jillo said the community has been mobilized to form project implementation structures for water harvesting structures and pasture reseeding.

He identified some of the boreholes that are being drilled as Ngalamini borehole at Sh 8million, Handampia borehole at Sh8million, Bondeni borehole Sh5.5million, Vukoni borehole at Sh8million, and Lenda borehole at Sh5million among others.

He also said three water pans would be constructed at Chifiri at Sh19million, Gururi at Sh17million and Hakoka at Sh22million.

The Engineer said under value addition, income generating activities (IGA) groups were allocated with 200 bee hives, four centrifugal cylinders and 16 sets of honey harvesting kits (gloves, gumboots, knives, smokers).

He identified the groups that benefited as Chewani conservancy, Karichewa group, Vukoni bee keepers, Bati hides and skins group and Elimika women group.



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