Continue undertaking more consultative meetings, so that we deliver credible elections results, Moyale DCC

Moyale Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Stanley Too today assured voters in Moyale constituency that all the government arms are adequately prepared to discharge their duties during this electioneering period.

He said security agencies and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) cannot conduct a peaceful election alone and urged stakeholders, especially the youth, religious leaders, and community elders to continue undertaking consultative meetings, so that the IEBC succeeds’ in delivering credible results

Speaking during a stakeholders’ elections preparedness meeting in Moyale which was organized by a local non-governmental organization the Strategies for Northern Development (SND) operating in Marsabit county in Moyale town, the DCC further warned all those bent on acts of lawlessness to refrain from doing so because their days were numbered.

During the meeting all participants concurred that there was need of all the leaders to engage and educate the public through various media channels, including social media platforms on the need to conduct a peaceful election.

“We have a multi-agency secretariat which is working on 24 hours basis and equipped to handle all situations related to election matters,” the DCC said.

He added that all disciplined forces, including Prison Warders, Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS), and Forest Rangers, who give support during General Election have been trained on the manner they are supposed to handle all forms of threats to election security in their respective polling centers.

During the meeting the DCC noted that Heilu Manyata and Butiye Somare wards have in previous general elections been identified as hot spots but said that the sub-county security committee has put in place measures to handle any emergency.

The administrator however sent a warning to individuals conducting campaigns and singing songs even after campaign hours that the law will take its course and that they should not blame anyone.

Too however appealed to all the residents of Moyale to be peaceful and assured them of a safe and secure general election.



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