Country not politically stable yet, parents

Parents in Nyahururu are hesitant to release their children to school citing lack of assurance from the government on the political stability of the country.

A spot check in boarding schools around Nyahururu town, revealed a rather sluggish return, with parents saying they were not sure of the political situation yet.

Some parents, however allowed their children back to school, because most parts of the country were calm and had resumed normalcy, since the presidential results were officially announced.

John Kinyua, a resident of Nyahururu said he would not release his children, until he was sure of the security in the country that meant safety for children.

“We are not ready to allow our children back to school because we are not sure of their safety. The security situation of the country is not assured as there are commotions in some parts of the country such as Nairobi and Kisumu. Until the security of the country is assured of, we may not be ready to allow our children back to school as initially scheduled by the CS Magoha,” said Kinyua.

Wilson Maina said that they do not want to risk their lives.

He added that education was not more worthy than the fragile lives and that it was better they stay with their children at home than risk their lives.

“Education is not worthy more than our children’s life, we wish to stay with them until the commotions in some parts of the country calm down,” said Maina.

Grace Wanjohi, whose son schools in Nyeri County, said that she trusted the government’s judgement on the security situation and had already released him to report to school.

“We are in a peaceful place and nothing has changed since election day; we have resumed our normal activities,” said Wanjohi

She also added, “Our children are running out of time because they are supposed to prepare for the final exam therefore they need time to revise,” said Wanjohi.



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