Covid-19: Kenya not yet out of the woods, health expert warns

The rate of new infections of Covid-19 is likely increase in the months of June and July due to cold weather being experienced in many parts of the country.

A health expert, Dr. Bernard Muia has told KNA that infections of coronavirus, being an inspiratory track disease, may go up now that many people have abandoned health protocols aimed to congtain the virus.

Muia on Tuesday observed that the current infection rate of 7.7 percent given by the Ministry of Health on June 12, may not be all-encompassing since testing rate of the disease has gone down.

He noted the sample of those who were tested can be described as biased since individuals tested are only those who have shown signs and symptoms of coronavirus and gone for checking, observing that some with mild signs are freely interacting with others.

“The infection, according to me may be quite higher than that of 7.7 percent which was provided by the Ministry of Health. There is a need for everyone to take care and avoid contracting this disease. We don’t want to go back to where we have come from,” he added.

Muia, who is also chairperson of Department of Health at Murang’a Municipal Board further noted that within the next two months, besides the cold weather, increased political campaigns may result in increased infections following increased interactions and congestion during campaign rallies.

“People have forgotten about health protocols aimed to control the spread of coronavirus. Very few wear masks. No social distance especially now that campaigning period is at its peak. But every individual has a responsibility to take personal initiative and avoid being infected,” averred the medic.

On June 12, Murang’a County recorded eight new cases of covid-19 where four cases were reported in Mathioya Sub County, two in Kangema and other two in Kandara Sub County.

Muia explained that the new cases were reported in parts of Murang’a which experience extreme cold weather.

“I appeal to the elderly to keep warm and stay in well ventilated houses and seek medical attention when they get some symptoms of flu,” he added.

Meanwhile, Muia urged the Ministry of Health to step up vaccination against covid-19 saying the number of those vaccinated is still low and some people have given up the on exercise.

“Vaccination exercise should be promoted so we increase the number of those vaccinated. Let the Ministry of Health take the exercise to the grassroots. The disease surveillance should also be boosted,” he remarked.

Muia further said despite the current covid-19 sub variants of B.A 4 and B.A 5 being not life threatening like those which were experienced a year ago, there is need for the government to order for medication which is currently being used in the USA and Europe.

“I can propose procurement of anti-covid medicine known as Paxlovid commonly being used in the USA and parts of Europe. The drug has an effectiveness rate of 93 percent. Despite being expensive, it can help the country to successfully fight covid-19,” he added.



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